LinkedIn, Sunnyvale

Jun 2021 - Aug 2021
Software Engineering Intern

  • Developed an event-driven tool using Python Flask to report post-commit failures using Kafka consumer, estimated to save ~1040 dev-hrs/year
  • Utilized SlackBot API to build custom message and alerted POCs in real time, thereby improving CICD pipeline health

Northeastern University, Boston

Jan 2021 - Apr 2021
Teaching Assistant – Android App Development

  • Undertook office hours to aid app development using Android Studio for over 90 students using Java or Kotlin and Firebase
  • Graded course assignments based on best coding practices, and helped students develop robust and scalable native android apps

Aquent, Boston

Jul 2020 — Jan 2021
Software Engineer Co-op

  • Built Single Page Application using ReactJS components for performance optimization and fixed many critical bugs, thereby improving state management and reducing screen load time
  • Developed RESTful APIs for data automation and scenario creation using Python Flask framework in an Agile environment (Scrum), targeting an increase in test data generation efficiency by approximately 60%
  • Designed and incorporated multiple unit tests using Pytest testing framework and ensured full code coverage in the main business driving applications
  • Implemented and designed CI/CD pipeline using Docker and Jenkins thereby reducing the overall effort of development and testing a new feature by 40%

Tata Consultancy Services, India

Mar 2016 — Jun 2019
Software Engineer

  • Developed and enhanced single page web applications using AngularJS, Java Spring-Boot and IBMDB2; fixed bugs and added new features under Agile Methodologies
  • Designed and developed two add-on utilities using Pearl scripting and Selenium to retrieve test data and saved development and analysis time by approx. 5 to 10 man-hours per sprint
  • Unit tested critical applications using Jasmine and JUnit; thereby lowered defect count by approx. 15% per sprint
  • Refactored code from MVC model to CBA (component-based model) of five major business driving applications adhering to Agile Protocol
  • Created Selenium web driver based front-end data creation tool and reduced manual efforts for data creation by 90%